Close cropped photograph of woman's hand holding a phone with Midi clinician on telehealthClose cropped photograph of woman's hand holding a phone with Midi clinician on telehealth

Midlife Is A Journey. Midi Is Your Map.

From your first virtual visit, our expert clinicians deliver convenient, compassionate care, covered by insurance and tailored to meet your unique needs.


Get Started in Minutes

Booking your first virtual visit takes less than 10 minutes. That’s time well spent. Talking with an expert who really understands what you’re experiencing? That’s personalized care.

The Midi Difference

Your Treatment Starts With Your Story

Based on your unique symptoms, medical history, lifestyle, and care preferences, your Midi clinician will create a tailored Care Plan that gives you comfort and confidence.

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Check Your Coverage

Accepted by Insurance, Nationwide

Virtual visits with a Midi clinician—plus prescriptions in your Care Plan—are covered by major insurance providers across the country. Confirm your coverage by selecting your state below.

insurance logos

Midi is in-network with most PPO plans. Coverage varies by plan; deductibles, coinsurance, and copays may still apply. If your plan is an HMO, Midi is not in-network and your visit will be self-pay. Midi Health and the Medical Groups are not enrolled with and are not participating providers with state healthcare programs (i.e., Medi-Cal, Medicaid). We cannot treat Medicaid or Medi-Cal patients at this time, even as self-pay patients.

Midi is not covered by Medicare or any Medicare-related insurance plan. Midi can accept Medicare beneficiaries as self-pay patients, but beneficiaries cannot submit any claims related to their Midi visits, medications, or associated services.

Integrated Care

We’re (Medical) Team Players

We can always share your Care Plan and test results to keep your other providers on the same page.

Illustration of Midi clinician standing side-on, holding laptop

Questions? We’re Here To Help

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