Amanda Rosales, APRN, DNP, Nurse Practitioner Clinical Manager
Midi Clinician

Amanda Rosales, APRN, DNP

Understanding women and hormones: “I’ve seen the full spectrum of health issues in family practice but my niche has been in women’s care for the past eight years, with a focus on hormone therapy. From my personal experience, I struggled with hormones because I have PCOS. So I’ve had a tough time with periods and fertility. That really started my interest in this area. I’ve been educated by my expert peers, I attend conferences, and I constantly read the latest research to stay up to date.”

Educate, collaborate, celebrate: “Menopausal patients come in thinking they have early Alzheimers, worried about extreme fatigue, concerned about a drop in libido. It’s such a relief to them to know why they’re having symptoms. They’re not depressed or anxious—it’s not them, it’s hormonal. One of the most satisfying aspects of my practice is when patients return for a follow-up, talking about their improved well-being through treatment.”

Why weight matters: “I also specialize in weight wellness, and I firmly believe that the weight changes women experience affect their mental health, sexual well-being, and overall physical health. Early intervention can change the trajectory of our patients’ lives.”