Team Bio

Kat Pinkerton, MSN, FNP, WHNP, IBCLC, Midi Clinician

Kat is a Yale-trained Nurse Practitioner with a focus on women’s health and deep empathy for patients who struggle to get high-quality healthcare. “I came from a family where I received no education about my body and became a mom in my early twenties,” she says. “I realized from personal experience that healthcare can be either transformational, or traumatic.” 

To ensure a positive experience for her patients, she pays attention to “their physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.” And she never stops learning: “I’m a big nerd! I’m always doing my own side research on mental health, neuroscience, and alternative modes of healing.” For example, “working with the naturopathic community taught me that there are many alternatives to hormones for people who can’t or don’t want to take them. Those solutions can work and be very nourishing, especially for cancer patients.” 

What does she love about working with women in midlife? “They really come into their power. They’re sick of feeling discarded and unheard, and want to know what we can do for them. What we can bring, as clinicians, are solutions, and the ability to see them as whole people, not body parts.”

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