Dec 1, 2022
(updated on Aug 26, 2024)

Dr. Kathleen Jordan's Personal Journey, And Midi Mission

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Kathleen Jordan, Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Kathleen Jordan, Midi’s Chief Medical Officer, spent decades working within the traditional healthcare system before branching out into digital health, leveraging innovative technology to care for patients in a more human way. Read her three “big motivators” for joining Midi. 

A personal journey, x 5  sisters

“As a physician, I had knowledge, extraordinary access to clinical care, and good insurance, but it still took me many months and a lot of effort to piece together a care plan for my relatively simple, and common, symptoms. Despite telling all my doctors that I was pretty sure I was menopausal, I was sent for a complete cardiac workup for my hot flashes and sweating, plus a host of other specialist visits. None of them addressed the most common and obvious cause of my symptoms: menopause. I ultimately had to send medical literature to my doctor with the science-backed and guideline-driven prescriptions I needed. And I wasn’t alone. I’m one of five sisters, and we’re all in varying stages of perimenopause and menopause, and each of us were going through the same non-optimal health ordeal. We live in different cities across the US, and not one of us had a health care partner in this journey.”

Access (not concierge care) is the answer

“I wondered, if we were having that much trouble, what was happening to other women? So I started researching and realized that this struggle is nearly universal. Even my female physician colleagues didn’t know the guidelines and weren’t getting the care they needed. I was directed to a few concierge doctors who specialize in hormonal transition, but each had year long waiting lists, and wouldn’t accept insurance. They were simply delivering guideline-driven, FDA approved, standard interventions. I couldn’t get past this question: Why isn’t this care covered by insurance and available to all women from all their doctors? Accessibility has motivated me throughout my career, and it’s a really an important part of the Midi mission for me. I value every dollar my patients spend out of pocket on their healthcare because I recognize the sacrifices many of them are making to earn that dollar. Midi is designed to take insurance and put high-quality care within reach for all women.”

Patient-centered care for women at midlife

“What I realized is that medicine itself was experiencing an explosion of new data, research, and gadgets, with medical knowledge growing exponentially and tech introducing a variety of new solutions. Healthcare has responded by creating more and more subspecialties that understand the nuances of a specific problem. But menopause requires it’s own specialty, based not on one organ or one disease, but a holistic understanding of what women face at midlife. This concept of tailoring care based on individuals with common needs has served many populations well: We have pediatricians for kids, obstetricians for our fertile and reproductive years, and geriatricians for later in life. What we’re building, in a sense, is a team of “Midiatricians” delivering care based on a science-backed understanding of what women experience in midlife. That’s how we can best support your physical, emotional, and sexual wellbeing. It’s also how we recommend preventative steps and help you lean into lifestyle choices that support long, happy and healthy lives.”

Kathleen’s regimen

  • Estrogen patch and intermittent progesterone, for hot flashes, sleep, and mood.
  • Walking with friends, indoor cycling, and occasional outdoor/beach yoga (“I finally stopped double-tasking and finally gave myself the time for exercise.”)
  • Trying Meatless Mondays and more fish, nuts instead of chips, and more plant-based eating in general. (“Diet is still a work in progress, though, with three teenage boys in my house downing carbs and protein shakes. It’s hard to turn out family meals with satisfying options for all.  But we all eat a bit healthier than we did a few years ago.  I even get the smaller bag of red licorice for family movie night!”) 
  • Daily supplements including Vitamin D, magnesium, and fiber.  “Plus, melatonin and others as needed.  I’m trying a new anti-inflammatory supplement with tart cherry for joint pain and overall aches. Stay tuned for reviews on that!”